Cornerstone Church   Statesboro, Georgia
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Cornerstone Church Services and Opportunities
Enter His gates with thanksgiving in your hear and into His courts with praise.  That is how we begin, with joyous priase and heartfelt thanksgiving to our great and glorious King.  We invite His presence as He inhabits the praises of His people.  For without His presence we have only hollow religious form.  We then give opportuniity for all to offer specific prayer requesta and praise reports for answers to prayer they have experienced.
A life giving, life changing message is then ministered.  A word that instructs God's people how to live in victory and equiping them to serve Christ in their home, their church and in their community
At Cornerstone Church, we follow the pattern of Acts 2:42. . . . "and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers."  In addition we follow the instructions of Jesus in Matt.28:19. . . . "Go therefore and make disciples."  You will learn how this is done at Cornerstone on the Discipleship page.  Listed below are the regularly scheduled opportunities to grow as a disciple and one who will make a difference in your world.
A valuable time of interactive study.  A discipleship series is always under way.  After, and during the teaching time, those present may ask questions or give insights to the subject being taught.  Thorough notes are available the week before and may be used for study during devotional time.

MEN'S FELLOWSHIP   Tuesdays  7:30pm
Fellowship meals were an important part of first century church life. Acts 2:42 lists "breaking bread" as  a core activity of the newly birthed church in Jerusalem.  It is a "family activity" where where we as a spiritual family gather in an informal atmosphere to share our lives. We at Cornerstone continue the tradition every every 5th Sunday after the Service.  We welcome you to participate.
Great men are being raised up at our "Soul Warriors" meeting every Tuesday at 7:30pm. We use materials from Christian Men's Network. Some men attend by way of Zoom  Our guiding verse is 2Tim. 2:2 - "Commit these things to faithful men who will teach others also."  We disciple men to disciple men.
WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP   Third Saturday of the Month
The women meet at the church for lunch at a local restaurant for fellowship and sharing of needs.  Each is encourage to invite a friend.